
Wisconsin Foundation Seeds (WFS) is an auxiliary program with the University of Wisconsin Arlington Agricultural Research Station.  WFS is responsible for the production, conditioning, sales and distribution of Foundation seed stocks to seed producers in Wisconsin and several regional states.  These seed producers in turn, produce and sell Certified or Quality Assured seed of new superior genetics to growers/farmers.

History and Mission
WFS has had a distinguished history since 1901. WFS acts as a conduit in the seed stocks marketplace between the breeder and the ultimate consumer – the grower/farmer. The WFS program assists the University of Wisconsin Agronomy Department breeding programs by marketing these varieties through Certified seed producers or through private companies on a restricted release basis if the situation warrants. Seed Stock contributions include: alfalfa, barley, oats, red clover, rye, soybeans, wheat (spring & winter). Wisconsin Foundation Seeds has a long history of working closely with agri-business and scientific communities.

Licensed Varieties
The authority to produce, label and market seed of University of Wisconsin licensed varieties is controlled by licensing agreements. Research fees are collected from seed producers of licensed varieties for the support of University of Wisconsin variety development and research. Those interested in obtaining a license authorizing seed production and labeling of the University of Wisconsin small grain licensed varieties should contact WFS.

Contract Seed Production
WFS is also involved in seed production contracts with privately owned companies along with custom conditioning and treatment of seed. Those interested in these services should contact the Arlington Agricultural Research Station Headquarters.